Run For Your Lives – zombie themed obstacle course and marathon

Run for Your Lives adds zombies and an obstacle course to a standard 5K marathon, thus making it useful training for anyone concerned about potential zombie attacks. Aside from the cardio and speed, this event also emphasizes situational awareness as volunteers dressed as zombies will attempt to steal flags from every runner, like in flag football. Runners must avoid the zombies while completing obstacles and racing towards the finish line.

Google streetview + Zombie attack simulation

This simulation lets you try to outrun randomly placed zombies on a Google streetview. The execution is simple but it emphasizes an important survival skill in a zombie crisis: the ability to quickly develop new routes when traveling. Often, your planned route will be cut off due to the presence of a horde, violent human survivors, fire, or some other hazard. Instead of stopping, you should keep moving even if it’s wrong direction. Don’t let thoughts of getting to your destination overwhelm your most important goal: staying alive.